George Herbert: Parliament, Pulpit & Poetry
Today, 3rd April, is the birthdate of Metaphysical Poet George Herbert - wonderful Welsh-born writer of divine devotional works of art employing an early example of pattern (concrete) poetry, making the form of the poem match the content & meaning.
Many became hymns & others are still being set to music by composers this century: a real measure of the lasting power of his work to inspire.
I hadn't realized until now, that John Donne was his godfather & stepped in to help raise him from the age of 3 when his father died. He won a place at Trinity College, Cambridge, with the intent of entering the priesthood, but took a left turn when his being the University's Public Orator wowed King James & he ended up in parliament instead! But, the call to minister on a more practical-spiritual level was too strong to resist; he was eventually ordained & became rector of St. Andrew's Church, Salisbury, where he worked hard to support the most needful in the community. Just 3 yrs into his calling, consumption claimed his life. Fortunately, he'd sent a manuscript of his poems, 'The Temple', to a good friend, who ensured they were published shortly after his death - a gift to us all.
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